Friday, March 6, 2020

How much Does Online Tutoring Cost

How much Does Online Tutoring Cost 0SHARESShare Online tutoring is the latest trend of taking personalized tutoring. With the assault on the internet, especially broadband facility online tutoring has prospered a lot. Online tutors offer great help on email, live chat, video conferencing and phone call. How does online tutoring works? Online learning is made possible with interactive whiteboard and live chat. Interactive whiteboard available at the tutorĂ¢€™s end facilitate two-way reading and writing. The computer screen is projected to the touch-based smooth whiteboard surface using proprietary software. The student and tutor can communicate with each other on the same whiteboard along with live chat box. There are tutoring websites which offer audio/video based tutoring through Voice based Internet Protocol (VoIP) or video conferencing. What does student cost technically to take an online class? The student will require a computer / laptop with high speed internet connection. To write on touch-based whiteboard, student requires digital pen, electromagnetic pen, ultrasonic pen, infrared scan technology or resistive pen. The student does not require any other software application and tools to learn online. However, when students opt audio/video based (VoIP) tutoring then they would require webcam, headphone and microphone to facilitate interactive session. What does online tutoring cost?   The prices of online learning depend on the study program and the amount of help you require. The student can on demand help or tutoring service in total (tutoring + assistance with homework, assignment and test preparation). Typically, on demand help cost on an hourly basis while signing up for tutoring cost you on monthly or annual basis. Typically, online tutors are available for $15 to $30/hour, though some offer monthly subscription ranging from $150 to $300/month. However, the student can spend some time on researching the features against the cost offered by various reputed online tutoring websites. [starbox id=admin]

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